My plan for showcasing student work
1. I plan to showcase my students work by class under this tab.
2. I've divided this into a section for my Underwater Robotics I Class and my Advanced Underwater Robotic Class.
3. The section for my Underwater Robotics Class will have a page for pictures of the students and their ROVs and a page for pictures and results of the ROV competitions that the students participate in.
4. The section for my Advanced Underwater Robotics Class is a bit larger because the class is a full year class.
a. I will have pages for showcasing student projects such as their ROVs, their Towed Camera System and their drifter buoy project.
b. I will also have a page for media reports about the class and the students. This will include video and print articles about the class.
c. I will have a page for student created videos.
d. Lastly, I will have a page set up as a photo gallery for the class and the Expedition to Palau.
5. I envision this to be more substantial work then what we show daily on the classroom Facebook Page which will be linked to the Advanced Underwater Robotics Class.
6. I feel that it is important to showcase my students work not only for my current students but as a way to show future students examples of the work of the students who came before them.